Saturday, 21 September 2013

Research-Summary about Laura Mulvey's theory on representation

A summary demonstrating what you understand about Laura Mulvey's theory on representation -Explain with reference to a music video

Representation has seven key elements to it, these are; gender, age, ethnicity, regional identity, disability/ability, sexuality and class/status. The main representation music videos focus on is gender however.

"In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female. The determining male gaze projects its fantasy onto the female figure which is styled accordingly".  - (Laura Mulvey, 1992)

In simpler terms what Laura Mulvey is trying to state is that we live in a world where males are more dominating than females and this is due to them being labelled as "sex objects" in mainly RnB music videos. The lyrics in RnB songs and the way in which females portray themselves in these music videos create an negative image and impact on women and therefore creates a power upon men as this is what men "like to see". Females are dressed in very revealing clothes, with their hair and make up all done up, making it more appealing to males. For example, Beyonce's' music video "Run the World -(Girls)" the lyrics contradict the actual music video (disjuncture). This is because although she is singing about "girls running the world" she doesn't seem to be portraying this as she is dressed in revealing clothing and therefore creates a negative image on women. However other female artists challenge Laura Mulveys theory such as Adele.

Laura Mulvey also discusses the idea that women are "dismembered" in all forms of media. This means they are not focused on as a whole but rather on parts of their body (their body is "dismembered") However men are shown as a whole. Here are two videos, one to portray how women are "dismembered" and the other to show how men are shown as a whole.

Selena Gomez- Slow Down

Camera focuses on parts of her body rather than on her as a whole.

Sean Paul- Other Side of Love

Camera focuses on him as a whole and if parts are shown, it is only for close ups on his face.

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