How well do you feel you are progressing with your blogging compared to last year?
Compared to last year I would say my blogging has improved immensely. I am blogging consistently and the reason for this is because deadlines have been set for after a few blogs which has been split into three different categories; Research, Planning and Production. This has helped me keep up to date and on track of my blogging. This has also helped me to make sure not to miss any blogs as it puts pressure on me to get it done! Last year, unfortunately I missed quite a few blogs, they were not in the correct order and I also posted irrelevant posts, this was because I left most of it until the last minute. This year I am sure not to make the same mistake.
What mark out of 20 would you give yourself at this point for use of different ICT and level of detail in your blogging
Out of 20 I would give myself 11 for use of different ICT and detail in my blogging. This is because I haven't used a range of ICT in my blogging, also the detail in my blogging isn't enough. I hope to get 20/20 by the end, however in order for in this to happen I will need to improve in my ICT skills by using different ICT such as Slideshare, Prezi, Photo bucket, Camtasia etc and also the detail in my blogging needs to improve.
What three things do you need to improve?
- Need to use different range of ICT such as Slideshare, Prezi, Camtasia etc.
- Post extra blogs (blogs that are not on the blogging checklist) making sure they are in detail.
- Blog EVERYDAY rather than every two/three days.
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