Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Thoughts so far

I am currently feeling stressed from this music video and we havent even started filming.
I feel as if time is running out and I'm not sure why lol.
When I found out the dates for filming the music video and realising we quickly need to get the costumes and props all ready by then my reaction was literally this:

Im hoping that my group will have everything ready by then and have things smooth sailing but speaking from previous experiences (the thriller) and the commitment of the others right now (LOL), Im going to talk with my groups to set in some rules so we understand that this is serious business.

 Im not having this music video deemed one of the bad ones that teachers will show to other students to convey what NOT to do in a music video. I refuse to be a clown for the candi media department. I will just pray that things go fine. but they never do. so you know. wish me luck
heres a few more gifs to explain my feelings right now. enjoy.

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